Friday, 31 July 2015

Zacchaeus - in the right place.

Okay, so before we begin talking about what this story may really mean, in terms of reading between the lines, let’s first read the amazing event, recorded by one of my favourite writers, Luke.

' He [(meaning Jesus)] entered Jericho and was passing through. 2 And behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus. He was a chief tax collector and was rich. 3 And he was seeking to see who Jesus was, but on account of the crowd he could not, because he was small in stature. 4 So he ran on ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him, for he was about to pass that way. 5 And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down, for I must stay at your house today.” 6 So he hurried and came down and received him joyfully. 7 And when they saw it, they all grumbled, “He has gone in to be the guest of a man who is a sinner.” 8 And Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, “Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor. And if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I restore it fourfold.” 9 And Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, since he also is a son of Abraham. 10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”

This version was taken from the lovely ESV, one I don’t normally use but it just gets to the point sometimes, and I love that. So… Zacchaeus …

It’s a story us born-in-church-kids have probably hear, but I must admit it’s an event I have seemed to have forgotten about. We all know that absolutely everything recorded in the Bible is of VITAL SIGNIFICANCE, John21’25 clearly reminds us of how much more Jesus did in His times as a physical God-human here on earth. But it couldn’t all be written down! That just tells us that the things that WERE written down were the one we NEEDED to hear.
So you’ve read the story, you know what happened, I just want to dig a little deeper into it though. The Bible described Zacchaeus as a rich chief tax collector. That interesting because his job profile says a lot about his personality. In those days tax-men though very rich, had quite a low reputation among the Jewish people. They were thieves, they took money for the despised Roman Government, whilst taking a little extra for themselves, they were no-doubt socially excluded and in that way quite isolated from the tight Hebrew Community. Similar to today’s version of car-ticket attendants:] And so, Luke, by introducing him by his job says so much in so little time. By the world’s standards, he did not deserve to see Jesus; and he certainly did not deserve to have Jesus in his house. But as we see later, all of that happened and more…

Now the Bible doesn’t often mention height issues, but it seems, Zacchaeus was vertically-challenged. He was short and couldn’t see Jesus. Now I wouldn’t say I can identify height-wise, but I see a lot of myself in that one statement.  Sometimes … no … a lot of the times I fall short of the standards God has set for me, mistakes make me feel inadequate to even see Him as my Father and Friend because I am so sinful. I understand here when Zacchaeus so wanted to see Jesus but he couldn’t because he was not enough.

- And we aren’t enough ROMANS3’23 Says ‘for everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.’ BUT, do not be discouraged because God gave Zacchaeus a way, and He can give us a way too if we just ask.

You know, God is so amazing. I did some research on the life of a Sycamore Tree and found out that they can live to about 200 years of age. Most produce seed and are at their prime at about 150 years old . This means that God, in eternity had decided hundreds of years pre-event to plant a sycamore tree in the street Jesus would be walking in that day for Zacchaeus to climb and give us all this story of hope.

-Do you see that?

God will always make a way for you to find Him, because He wants that for you more than anything. A relationship with the Father IS the abundant life for which HE CAME!! [JOHN10’10]

But Zacchaeus had to be in a yearning frame of mind to be so desperate for God that He had to climb a tree to see Jesus. I’m reminded of …

‘Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled’ MATT5’6

Zacchaeus was hungry and thirsty for the view of Jesus, his heart was in the right place – and therefore his actions were in the right way too. [‘Every tree is known by its own fruit' LUKE6’44] He climbed up the tree.


--- And you know, this phrase has been taken and used by the world in the context of business success and even luck.
But this phrase comes from Ecclesiastes 9’11. The wise Solomon even in his older years new the importance of position in the time and place.

In this context we can take this and see...
Are our heart in the right place to see God? [MATT5’8]
Are we in the right mind-set to receive Him – are we in the midst of the crowds and the distraction or have we stepped out of that, climbed the tree and put ourselves in the right place?

Sometimes it takes isolation, sometimes it’s a struggle to get to the place you KNOW you need to be in order to see God. But it is something that needs to be done.
What is this struggle you make ask?

Jesus said ‘For My yoke is easy to bear and the burden I give you is light.’ – MATTHEW 11’30
Part of this burden will always be to ‘take up your cross, and follow Me’ MATT16’24
There’s a reason why the amazing hand of God and His plans for us have been called the great exchange [2CORINTHIANS5'21]. We give Him our sin, our ashes, our despair and He gives us righteousness, beauty, praise.

Seems like an unfair exchange doesn’t it?

But it’s kind of like when for example, you’ve been irritable with your mum for some time , and for no other reason (out of the fact that you are her child), she does something really lovely for you, your favourite meal perhaps, a small gift . How much more does God love us and give us the things we need but don’t deserve, His love, His grace and mercy [MATT7’11]

Don’t make it difficult for yourself, accept the gift and decide that within yourself you will do what He wants for your life.

- - - Climb the tree, by surrendering your will and getting to a right place with God to see Him.

No matter what anyone my say [LUKE19’7] Jesus will come into your heart (Zacchaeus’ home) and your gratitude for His amazing compassion for you will intrinsically make you into the generous [LUKE19’8] kind and Godly person that God wants you to be.

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Summer Blues ...

Hey guys,

So it's summer . and I feel absolutely terrible to say that I although inexcusably have caught the summer-teenage-bug of LAZINESS.
Thats right,
I said it.
Now everyone has different extents of this and it can mean very different things to different people. - I would never be allowed to spend a morning in bed post 9AM. And I've been on holiday, seen friends blah blah blah.
Everyone has a personal knowledge,that despite the exterior 'busyness'- you know if you've been using your time wisely . More importantly you know when you have not.
Being proactive in your daily lifestyle is a choice, that turns into a way of life. But its those initial steps of deciding you want more out of your day that really make it happen for you.
And the funny thing is : It's a Biblical concept.

Scriptures could not be more clear on the valid sin called : 'idleness' and its something that isn't focused on enough in our minds because mentally we tend to put serious sins into one category, and the other sins into another- but truthfully all sin keeps you away from God.
Titus 2'12 says that we should live 'self-controlled, upright and Godly lives'. And laziness is the complete opposite of all of those things. Sometimes (and I've seen this recently) the body just wants to lay down on the sofa and do nothing, lie in bed all-day and occasionally get up for crisps.

There is something brutally wrong when generations senior to us can do more for the Kingdom of God physically than we can.
We are told as youth to bear the yoke of God's discipline in our lives. LAMENTATIONS3'27
So I'm here to say to you and myself; condition yourselves. Stir up the gift [2TIM1'6] that God has created for you to posses, reach out and use it to impact one more life for God - He deserves every inch of our lives, lets make it a life that He wants.

We need to be diligent people who can take the work of ourlives , the work that God has provided for us to do, and present it to God as something of great value and worth. A work that we do not need to be ashamed of . [2TIM2'15]

Run , and run fast so that you will be the one to obtain the prize.