Wednesday 24 August 2016

Lessons learnt from Leviticus.

So ...  I had always had this thought in mind that before I turned 20 I would want to read the entire Bible, the day came , I read my last chapter from the plan And I felt great. (Prof. Horners Bible reading plan)
I read and listened to the audio of every single chapter - but ever heard of the saying : 'quality over quantity' ? 
Now there were times I really did take in the Word as I was reading or listening to it, I would make notes and highlight and understand the intricate details , I also found out a lot of new facts. It wasn't entirely rushed, I spent hours trying to figure out the timeline of the Old Testament, and put the books and events together historically, I did character profiles on people I had hardly even known before, and I was really able to take-in the bigger picture. Not to mention, reading the WORD of God put my 'everyday life' into a great perspective, I overcame many personal struggles through the constant intake of Gods word, my life took on new paths, priorities were corrected, it was an incredible 8 months ( I would highly recommend it).

God is more concerned about the application of what we read rather than the plan we might or might not be on. My mum made me very aware of this, and I realised that just because you are reading a plan of a huge number of chapters per day , doesn't mean you are getting the best from the WORD of God.

I'd love to think that even if I read the Bible, intricately to the best qualities I could possibly imagine for the rest of my life, that I would never fully accomplish a 'perfect understanding' . And it's true. 
But you'd better believe that I'm going to try .

One of the books I feel like I rushed though bait was Leviticus. Let's face it , it's not a thrilling adventure of David, or a romantic dream like Esther, and it's not the mind- spurring parables of Jesus. 

But that doesn't make it any less important or informative on how we could really change our lives by application. 
I read through the book again over the past few weeks, and there were some constant themes I thought were too good not to write down :

Sacrifices were a huge deal to the Israelite community, it was the very foundation of being purged from sin, so extra, and I mean extra care had to be taken when presenting a sin offering to the Lord, it normally had to be a '...make with no defects...' (1'3) Which according to the agricultural currency of the day was the most prized of any flock . This had to be burned, and given to the descendants of Aaron , or completely burned as '... A special gift, a pleasing aroma to the LORD.' (1'17) 

This leads me on to the next key point, GOD IS CONCERNED ABOUT OUR WORSHIP TO HIM. He wants to help us present the best to Him, this is seen by the fact that : there even is a BOOK OF LEVITICUS , God is assisting His people to give Him the best, and here we see one of the timeless characteristics of God , being so incredible that He gives us the standard of perfection that He requires, and then helps us to get there.  There was a great deal of precision that God required but He made it so accessible to them by the clarity of His instructions that is became 'do-able'. 
God wants that for us today , He demands perfection and the Spirit of God can point us in the right direction, and carry us along. 

The Israelites wouldn't just give God sheep, there was choice flour, with the best olive oil, and loaves of bread and cakes, and grains and birds (5'11) , God enable His people to SEE Him in whatever they were doing , and whatever they had present in their lives.

The descendant of Aaron were given specific portions of many of the sacrifices, it was called their 'rightful share' (7'35)because they did not have a set out land like the rest of the tribes, God made sure they were taken care of , and everything had to be shared equally among them (7'10).  God cares for those who commit their lives to Him, He provides for the things they need, they 'shall not want' (Psalms 23'1).

The LORD said : 'you must distinguish between what is sacred and what is common, between what is ceremonially unclean and what is clean' (10'10). There is a sense of separation through the whole book of Leviticus, the whole Bible has a constant theme of separating the light from dark, and righteousness from sin. Leviticus is no exception . The people had to place their hand on the sacrifices head (before it was killed) to literally transfer their sin to something that would die as a penalty . (1'4) 

So rams and goats and doves, would, temporalily release people from their sins, but can you imagine the WORTH OF JESUS over animals ?
Praise God that the life and death and resurrection of Jesus justifies, every human that has ever accepted Him (ie: placed there hands on the lambs head) to mean that from t cross to the rest of eternity, the Ultimate sacrifice has been given and we are forever justified : "Just as if I'd never sinned". 
Praise God indeed.

don't you just love, how thousands of years before the cross ever even happened, and before Jesus stepped out into the world as a human, we can see Him , and see a picture of Him in the book of Leviticus.

So whether it's a Psalms, Proverb, Judges or Genesis, 
Always remember to look out for glimpses of Jesus.
Let the Holy Spirit guide you, 


Friday 5 February 2016

Giving up Everything

I was reading a few chapters of the Bible this afternoon, and I saw a re-occuring theme that just seemed too profound to pass by . LUKE 5. Jesus is selecting His disciples, Peter, John and James 'just so happen' to be there as He is teaching. After they had toiled all night for a decent amount of fish '5, they obey Jesus to let the net down the net once again, and they have so many fish that there nets begin to tear'7.
' When Simon Peter realised what had happened , he fell to his knees before Jesus and said, Oh LORD, please leave me - I'm too much of a sinner to be around You.' '8

- But Jesus accepts him, '11 : 'As soon as they landed, they left everything and followed Jesus'.

This was their livelihood,
everything they had ever known .
This was their income and providing hand for their families.

And they left it all to follow Jesus.

Abraham had a similar task .
'The LORD had said to Abram, "Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father's family, and go to the land that I will show you.'
-GEN 12'1

Another example of this I saw this morning was in Phillipians 3'8
'What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ,'
Paul left a life of privilege, prominence in his community and respect from all people, status and position. 
To follow Jesus.

One thing we do see is at the end of all these peoples lives, they never regretted a thing.
'I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.' - 2TIM4'7

How many people do we know in the world who 'had it all' yet had nothing, who found fame and wealth and prominence, yet in the quiet of their heart had so many regrets.

MATTHEW 16'26 :
'And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?'

As humans , we like comfort, I like comfort.
I like being in an atmosphere where I feel safe and wanted.
'stepping out' isn't always the first or most loved thought in my mind.

But God doesn't call us to a life of timidness in our safety-nets.
God wants our lives to be and adventure, one to glorify Him and witness to the crowds of Heaven.
The most truly fulfilling lives are the ones of obedience to God, even though it may involve risks.

24 'Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me' - MATT 16'24

I pray we all have the courage to trust God enough to obey in all things, realising how finite and worthless material things truly are and embrace the calling of God in our lives to be the people He wants us to be. Our works of gold that will last for eternity. 1COR3'13

(In my thoughts and prayers always)

Sunday 31 January 2016

Why I walked home in the rain ...

I just wanted to share something that happened earlier today that really just made my day.
Sunday morning, I looked out the window and it's gray skies galore.
I checked my phone and there was 70% chance of rain, I normally ride to church but, I felt led, REALLY led to take the bus today.
It was peculiar that I wanted to take the bus - I've rode in worse conditions, but, I knew that in my heart, God wanted me to take the bus, so I did.
Church was lovely, but I sat infront of a girl I had seen for many months but never really spoken to. After church I went to pick up a few things from the store, and I just happened to be walk beside her, so we started talking. We spoke about, healthy eating, school, gym habits...

Then suddenly, I didn't really think about it much , I just blurted out and said :
 "How's you're relationship with God ?"
- I think I took myself by suprise.

She replied :" It's okay I guess, but you never really know if God accepts you until you get to Heaven right ?"
"No doll I disagree"
We went on to speak about God and pursuing a relationship with Him.
I had never really heard anyone say something like that before.
It really made me think .
It's kind of like moving across the country to University/College and not knowing if they have accepted your application.
God is a mysterious God, I agree, His ways are so much more than we could ever think. But He does not let us walk in the dark especially concerning our relationship with Him.
9For with You is the fountain of life; In Your light we see light. -PSALMS 36'9

Instead; God is the Illuminator, He is light. In Him there is no darkness at all- 1 JOHN 1'5 and we can trust in His character that has been proven time and time again to be true. That those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled. MATT5'6
We cannot live our lives as children of God not knowing if we will be accepted into His Heavenly Kingdom when the time comes. 
And if that doubt is there, there is a breech in your relationship with God that needs fixing. FAST.

God is not a tyrant, He does not take pleasure in seeing His children confused and weary of Him.
God is a loving Father, 
ROMANS 8'15 15For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, "Abba! Father!"

Misconceptions of God offend me, greatly. 
If random strangers drew a sketch of your dad looking cross or angry, and showed it to other people eventually leading a group of individuals to think that your dad was a brutal man, wouldn't you be offended ?
I know I am.

In essence, HEB4'16
'We can come boldly to the throne of our gracious God...'

And hearing His voice in our spirit telling us which way to go :
ISAIAH 30'21 ...your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”

Remember :
'My sheep know My voice, I know them , they follow Me.'
- JOHN 10'27
You will know that you are His when He tells you. 

Look at this short message from Paul Washer :

We must never assume that we can't speak to our fellow church members about God JUST because they are in church. The good news is that they are in the right place, but God's intentions for us can be so easily missed even within ourselves.

Finally, because I didn't ride my bike to church today, I got to speak to a girl about Christ, not for long, but here's hoping I played a part in watering a seed God has been growing all along.
All glory to Him.

The story ends today, me smiling ear to ear, walking home in the light Sunday afternoon rain, knowing that I had done the will of God by not riding my bike .
- Was the walk externally pleasant ?
But I really didn't care, Some times the will of God is uncomfortable, its not always a walk in the park (pun intended:) - But it's not ABOUT US,
Its not about our comfort-
 the joy that came from God's approval made the long cold walk seem like a beautiful breezy day. And I wouldn't have changed a thing.


Friday 29 January 2016

My Prayer Life

As I came into the new year, I began thinking about the Spiritual goals and improvements I'd like to see change in myself this year. Through the years God has been doing such an incredible work in my life, and I will absolutely make my boast in that. I am so far from where I want to be , and I mis-step and miss His will of absolute character perfection every single day , it breaks my heart, and I can honestly say I am longing for the day when sin will no longer even be a thought for me.
But at the same time, I am so grateful , I have learnt so much in my own walk with God, and I realise now , that instead of moping over how far I have to go and being disheartened by that, that I must learn to appreciate how much God has already done to refine my character especially in the past 3 years specifically.

That takes me on to my prayer life, this is something I am still figuring out , and by Gods grace I am hoping will improve tremendously this year. I firmly believe in praying without ceasing, my days are a continuous talk with God, I'd also like that to improve and have Him there more consistently, even when I am in the company of other people :( I tend to phase out then). So I guess one could say - in that regard that I am on my way with that.
But having a set time to kneel down and pray intentionally and substantially for a qualitative amount of time - God help me , I feel like its not anywhere close to as strong as it needs to be.

Prayer doesn't come naturally to me (yet:). But the more I read Gods Word, the more I understand how essentially vital it is to have as a part of my life. So vital indeed.
I was reading Mark 14 this morning, and before Jesus took one the most challenging and significant moments of His life as a human, He spent the hours before in prayer. Jesus Himself had to pray so consistently, waking up early and going to the mountains, leaving His disciples, and isolating Himself from the rest of the world to truly take care of Himself, His Spirit - by prayer.

If Jesus needed prayer , what makes me think I can be okay without it ?!

So this is a challenge to myself, and also to you .
It's not about how long you spend on your knees, although that is a factor, but thats not what it comes down to .
We must maintain a heart of prayer and a readiness to arm ourselves with the most intrinsic form of edification . - Speaking to God one on one, and being intentional about our walk with Him,
One of the key components in our faith is prayer to God.
It draws us closer to Him,
enables us to see a clear picture of Him in our lives, and although God loves to hear us speak - we are the ones that truly need it .
We are the benefactors of this amazing form of communication that God has given unto us.
Remember :
It's a dialogue.
Listen to Him speak to you as you speak to Him ,
Wait on the Lord and He will renew your strength.
I can say this as I have experienced, the strength you receive after crying out to God and seeking His face is incomparable to anything you could ever possibly imagine,
its a renewing of your inner-self, your Spirit man and soul.

And even when the body does not want to do it,
You must refuse to let your sinful nature have control over you ,
It's abit like a child eating their vegetables, they may not like it but it is so vital that it must be reinforced if you have to .
It will benefit them , and will get easier in the long run .

I am praying and hoping to God that the more I discipline myself to prayer, the easier and more naturally it will get in God's perfect time,

I pray the same for you ,
With that being said , I'm going to go and pray now,
(In my thoughts and prayers always)

Friday 22 January 2016

Quick Note

Now some people might say it’s a little too late to make New- Year Resolutions,
But I disagree.

Don’t you think we should wake up with new intentions, a new focus and drive each and every day?
I think so, and I have heard through the wisdom of my Pastor and knowledgeable people around me that: the only constant thing in life is CHANGE.

God is a God of change, even though He is the Rock of Ages, He still brings new life and mercies and grace into each new morning. Every day we have the opportunity to serve a God who is the most constant Being existence could ever fathom.
He is our Creator and an amazing one at that.

Praise God for His mercy and grace, as you start the new day tomorrow, do not feel bogged down by the sin and weight of the world that may have followed you into 2016.

Begin a new day, a new chapter and frame of mind, knowing that God makes all things new, and your Spiritual life can be renewed to shine brighter and brighter unto the perfect day : PROV4’18

God is good all the time,
Have a lovely week