Friday, 29 January 2016

My Prayer Life

As I came into the new year, I began thinking about the Spiritual goals and improvements I'd like to see change in myself this year. Through the years God has been doing such an incredible work in my life, and I will absolutely make my boast in that. I am so far from where I want to be , and I mis-step and miss His will of absolute character perfection every single day , it breaks my heart, and I can honestly say I am longing for the day when sin will no longer even be a thought for me.
But at the same time, I am so grateful , I have learnt so much in my own walk with God, and I realise now , that instead of moping over how far I have to go and being disheartened by that, that I must learn to appreciate how much God has already done to refine my character especially in the past 3 years specifically.

That takes me on to my prayer life, this is something I am still figuring out , and by Gods grace I am hoping will improve tremendously this year. I firmly believe in praying without ceasing, my days are a continuous talk with God, I'd also like that to improve and have Him there more consistently, even when I am in the company of other people :( I tend to phase out then). So I guess one could say - in that regard that I am on my way with that.
But having a set time to kneel down and pray intentionally and substantially for a qualitative amount of time - God help me , I feel like its not anywhere close to as strong as it needs to be.

Prayer doesn't come naturally to me (yet:). But the more I read Gods Word, the more I understand how essentially vital it is to have as a part of my life. So vital indeed.
I was reading Mark 14 this morning, and before Jesus took one the most challenging and significant moments of His life as a human, He spent the hours before in prayer. Jesus Himself had to pray so consistently, waking up early and going to the mountains, leaving His disciples, and isolating Himself from the rest of the world to truly take care of Himself, His Spirit - by prayer.

If Jesus needed prayer , what makes me think I can be okay without it ?!

So this is a challenge to myself, and also to you .
It's not about how long you spend on your knees, although that is a factor, but thats not what it comes down to .
We must maintain a heart of prayer and a readiness to arm ourselves with the most intrinsic form of edification . - Speaking to God one on one, and being intentional about our walk with Him,
One of the key components in our faith is prayer to God.
It draws us closer to Him,
enables us to see a clear picture of Him in our lives, and although God loves to hear us speak - we are the ones that truly need it .
We are the benefactors of this amazing form of communication that God has given unto us.
Remember :
It's a dialogue.
Listen to Him speak to you as you speak to Him ,
Wait on the Lord and He will renew your strength.
I can say this as I have experienced, the strength you receive after crying out to God and seeking His face is incomparable to anything you could ever possibly imagine,
its a renewing of your inner-self, your Spirit man and soul.

And even when the body does not want to do it,
You must refuse to let your sinful nature have control over you ,
It's abit like a child eating their vegetables, they may not like it but it is so vital that it must be reinforced if you have to .
It will benefit them , and will get easier in the long run .

I am praying and hoping to God that the more I discipline myself to prayer, the easier and more naturally it will get in God's perfect time,

I pray the same for you ,
With that being said , I'm going to go and pray now,
(In my thoughts and prayers always)

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