"In the jungle the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight"
We have heard of the song throughout the years and humans have always appreciated the hierarchy of the animal kingdom that of which the lion has always seemed to dominate.
The lion is no insignificant creature, not in nature, and not in Gods word. it is mentioned numerous times in the Bible and is even identified with the righteous character of God Himself being the 'Lion of the tribe of Judah' (Revelation 5'5)
So, what does this picture really mean for us today in our daily struggles with certain circumstances ? And How can the concept of a lion help me in my daily life ?
This Sunday our Pastor got back from celebrating his 40th Wedding anniversary in the game reserve of Sub-Saharan Africa and despite the challenges of being in the Savannah - and the creatures that he and his wife encountered, he highlighted the relevance of a lion and the lessons that God told him from those experiences.
I really thrived on this concept and felt like there was a lot to be learnt from the lion so here we go :
He dominates.
The dominating head of the animal kingdom the lion is no victimised creature, it dominates nature and one would agree that there seems to be an in-built fear from all other animals because of this very principle, that the lion is the most powerful the most devouring and the most dominating animal in the jungle. So how does this apply to me ?
We must know our position in Christ: God has set us above all of the works of the enemy; He surrounds us with His word that gives us the power over all the powers of darkness and of men.
It's a jungle out there, sin and the daily struggle to deny our flesh makes the jungle seem rather ruthless and out to get us. BUT we must remember that we are the kings of the jungle, we are royal priesthood and a holy nation; we are children of the most high God and that is the principle by which we should conduct ourselves through the personal struggles of life. This must not be confused for pride, but a great knowing that we are the head.
To let any enemy to overtake us would be an invalid injustice to the very nature of our beings as children of God.
Ever seen a lion been chased by gazelle or hiding away from a meerkat ? When we look at sin as something so big and so beyond our grasp we are looking at it from our own strength, we are not seeing it as God sees it. I am very much guilty of this myself; when I know there is a character flaw that I need to overcome it can seem like a giant in my my way of living that makes me think to myself :oh my goodness will I ever get over this ?!
But like the laws of nature that a gazelle will not pray on a lion, God has set for us the principles of His kingdom that sin will not dominate us. Romans 6 '14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.
And one could largely say that the visible confidence that a lion has to hunt without fear to attack without fear to assert his authority within in the food chain comes from this very fact.
It is the same confidence an mentality that David had when He went to fight Goliath - 1 Samuel 17. Let's not hide away and slip away from the things that God has already put under us.
He roars .
God has put a word in our heart and that is the Word of God. Your Word, have I hidden in my heart, that I may not sin against You. Psalms 119'11
That word comes out of our lips and its truth, the Power of Jesus who is the Word of God - John 1'1 comes out of our mouths directly paralysing the lurking temptations around. Just like the lions roar. It is a deathly frightening sound to all the creatures in the vicinity letting them know that a power greater than theirs is present. We see in Matthew 4 during the temptation of Jesus, that He directly answered each temptation with scriptures. He roared. He used the word of God to attack the schemes of the enemy. We must sued Gods word - scriptures that are relevant for each area of weakness that we have. Memorise it and use it .
But sometimes the lion can die...
There are some occasions where the lion falls to a creature less powerful than itself. Its an unfair plight, but it happens. Most of the time it's not from a very obvious cause lets look at an example : sometimes a porcupine comes and pricks the lion causing a slow painful death by poison: this is a great injustice ... how does it happen ?The lion underestimates the small creature not knowing the great disabling poison that lies within. Sometimes it's those pesky small sins that don't really seem like much to you. So the lion plays around with it, because surely it wont destroy your life ?? But underestimation facilitates the enemy to prick us when we least expect it and cause a slow painful spiritual death that separates our way from God all because you thought you could handle it.
Some sins, we should not try to handle or play around with , we should JUST FLEE to avoid a prick of poison.
1 Corinthians 6'18
We must always trying to be aware of any sin that might be looking in the shadows about to get to us that leads me on to the second predator of the lion.
The snake is another sly animal that slithers through the grass , but in God's providence He gave the snake a 'rattle' - this enables nearby animals to be aware of the snakes; but sometimes the lion can get distracted, listening and being pre-occupied with other things. Unaware of a slithering rattling snake coming to bite leading to a poisonous slow death.If only the lion would have listened, kept watch. Not relying in his own confidence but appreciating, understanding and applying the principle that is the head of the animal chain and that he has the authority to trample on any snakes and scorpions that might come his way.
If you are a child of God you are the head of the food chain.
We must realise that and stop hiding away from the sin that tries to hurt us.
They will only attack when you are under the mindset that they are more powerful than you are BUT they are not.
God has given us power to trample all snakes and scorpions and and to overcome the power of the enemy Luke 10'19. Do not be ignorant of the devil his devices and his schemes. 2 Corinthians 2'11 Watch out for the sin that so easily beset you. Hebrews 12'1 Stay away from the anger outbursts the sly jealousy the lust of the eyes, the lack of self control and indulgence. Be aware keep watch. And just as Lions always dominate the Savannah make sure that you dominate sin by trusting in Gods keeping power of Grace and seeing yourself as God made you.
You will be accepted if you do what is right. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master." Genesis 4'7