Tuesday, 25 November 2014


Where are we?!?!?!?
I'd like to ask: Where is the generation of God that is ready for the torch to be passed down to us?

I must admit, I've been quite upset over the past hour, I’ve been talking to my mum about the current state of the youth around where I am presently living and I feel slightly isolated. I can't seem to find any Christian Youth who are really Christians. 

I feel slightly awful in writing about this, and I am definitely struggling because I do not in any way want to seem like a spiritual-snob who knows everything and has expectations of people. I certainly do not want the spirit of pride and arrogance to overwhelm the emotional response of you reading this. Because I'm not trying to judge any individual (MATT7"1), I'm just making a statement.

For us Christian young'uns who have grown up in The Faith  with Bible believing parents and surroundings , We have absolutely no excuse , Like I said in my last post : 'To whom much is given, much is expected'. LUKE12"48

WE CANNOT (repeat) CANNOT live double (minded) LIVES!!

If we say we are Christians then that’s what we must be! - We can’t walk around like God owes us something. Because He doesn't. He does not owe us anything; we are the one who owe Him everything. 

I was talking to a couple of girls yesterday over some work, there were believers and non-believer there alike, and I was embarrassed. I was embarrassed for the Christian faith, and I was embarrassed at the work that people do under the name of God. I almost felt betrayed. 
When Judas was handing Jesus over to the authorities in the 'Garden of Gethsemane', he had the audacity to kiss Jesus on the cheek, the cheek! Even though in his mind He knew that was committing a great felony against Him. (LUKE 22"47). Even Jesus, The Holy One who never showed anything but love to everyone that has ever existed turned to Judas and asked him: ‘Judas, how can you betray Me with a kiss?’("48)
- And that, my friend is exactly what we do when we are hypocritical to God and His command for us. 

Listen I'm not saying I'm perfect , but I am letting the Spirit of God , the Holy Spirit guide and direct me into all truth (JOHN16"13) And I know that my character is slowly and gradually changing to be more and more like Christ every day.

But it is an entirely different scenario when you just don’t care, you just don’t care how you live your life, you say 'I'm a Christian, but I can do this or that, God won’t mind, after all he is a loving god' - Well I don’t know about you but the god you’re talking about is not my God. My God is loving - and it is because He is loving that He sets us His commands that we can ask for help to live by. We need to give Him something to work with. 

I am going to put it plainly to you. If you can walk around , swearing and cursing , have malice, hatred and anger towards people, going out for wild-late parties and generally acting no different to a non-Believer, then ... hate to break it to you ( no actually , I love breaking this to you because you need to know it) YOU DO NOT HAVE THE HOLY SPIRIT. 

Your heart should be flooded with condemnation at any time you feel like you are heading towards sin. You are the temple of God! (1COR6"19) - You do not belong to yourself. And you have no right to be dragging the name of the Christian world and faith with you to the night clubs and bars, and general places where they shouldn’t be. 

But Lakechia, you say , that’s nonsense who says I can’t be out at 1 in the morning, or that I can’t go to wild parties and events ...

Well, here’s my answer: 
 'You have had enough in the past of the evil things that godless people enjoy—their immorality and lust, their feasting and drunkenness and wild parties, and their terrible worship of idols' 1PETER4"3

- You see that? Godless people, according to Peter it is Godless to engage in such things once you’re a child of God - and the true God.

Now look , I'm not saying Christians shouldn't be able to spend time with their friends, going out for meals and what-not. But, and this is my litmus-test:


- 'You say, "I am allowed to do anything"--but not everything is good for you. And even though "I am allowed to do anything," I must not become a slave to anything.' -1COR6"12

Do you see Jesus dancing to the charts in a nightclub?
Do you see Him sitting around talking about immoral topics?
Do you see Him swearing?

The Bible makes His character clear, and we young Christians cannot ignore everything that He sacrificed His life for ~ Fellowship with Him. Happiness as we delight ourselves in Him (PSALMS37"4)

We may be the only Jesus, our friends will ever get to see here on earth. We must be careful and please, if you know you’re out doing things you shouldn't , sometimes it wouldn’t hurt to fake it to your (non-saved) friends until you have got your self back onto the right track. You being around them will influence their decision on whether they should become a part of Gods Family and Kingdom or not.

No pressure.

Ask God to help you undo the damage you may have done in the past in the way you professed to be a Christian, but did not act like it.
Repent, turn away from your un-Godly ways and rise up towards the mark, and press on to the Goal that Christ had planned for us from the beginning of creation (PHILLIPIANS3"14)

This emotional-rant was not to put-you-down.
I just felt like there needs to be more of us, more young people who are ready to throw away the cares of this life and focus on the Will of God and what He wants for us.
More youth that want to be pure and Holy just for Him.

Not everyone will take this path. But I hope and pray to God, 

That you do.

13 “You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell[a] is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. 14 But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it. -MATTHEW7"13-14

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