Thursday, 1 January 2015

Avoiding the Sandcastles

LUKE 6”46-49

So it’s 2015 !!!

It’s so amazing to think that we are in the New Year, Lets start on the right foot shall we ?
This thought had been in my mind for a while, but I only recently decided to write about it - sitting in a café in the middle of a new city. It has one of those large floor-to-ceiling windows, and I can literally see everything going on outside. The hustle and bustle in one of Europe’s busiest cities is completely astounding.
What is it all for? Why do you routinely wake up in the morning? Why do you rush around town waiting for the next surge of energy to come from your next cup of caffeine? Why do we live our lives in a constant state of rush and urgency to get ‘things’ done – Can we look back on those ‘things’ and find a sense of worth from our achievements ?
A little while ago I was reading Luke 6”46 that contains one of the most visually stimulating, yet simplistic; most well-known parables of all time – The ordeal of the Sandcastles.
In essence : one man went out one day in a quest to build a home in the quickest way possible, he chose an easy foundation to build on … Sand. He built it reasonably stable (at the time). And in feeling rather smug thought he had made a great accomplishment, meanwhile, a man not so far away from him was toiling all day on one piece of rock. Seeming completely absurd in all of his efforts. However , eventually both the houses are complete-  But a storm comes and the sand-castle man is not as snooty as he used to be : “49- ‘… When the floods sweep down against that house, it will crumble into a heap of ruins’.
Now there are many ways in which we can interpret this visual aid Jesus gave us to see. But the one that Jesus used for us to understand is the quality of obedience. He says : “47 ‘I will show you what it’s like when someone comes to me, listens to my teaching, and then obeys me. “48 it is like a person who builds a house on a strong foundation…’
Look at this in the context of someone’s life. They believe they are a Christian, they’ve been baptised-at-birth, confirmed and attend Church on all major holidays (i.e.: Eastmas - a Christmas and Easter kinda guy). Maybe they go even more regularly than that! But a storm comes in their life. They lose a loved one, they become ill. Their life falls apart. And what happens? Their faith crumbles into a ‘heap of ruins’

-          Why would God let this happen?
-          I thought God was loving?       
Which one of the men are they? = the Sandcastle-man !
 What people forget to realise is that extremely similar storms face the lives of the believer, they experience the winds and the waves. But their foundation is built on the rock. They don’t suffer a fall into an abyss of unbelief.
For the non-Christians reading this. Never think that those happy-faces you see in Church-Fellowship have had a happy-go-luck life. I was speaking to a man recently who had so many questions about evil in the world, suffering and heart break. He looked at me and said “You can’t talk!” = In other words: You’ve had a happy-go-lucky life all your life, and you are in NO position to talk about suffering and pain.
I was offended at first at his presumptuous judgements, but later on The Lord showed it to me in a different light, and I took it as a compliment.
It simply means that all the experiences and challenges I have faced has not affected the God-given joy in my life. – Do not be misled.
Challenges come, and it is heart breaking, but Jesus says that like a doctor to the sick; He comes to mend the broken hearted. - We live in a fallen world. Bad things happen, storms come The Bible says that Nature cry’s out ROMANS8”22.
But Jesus is there to protect us in the ‘shadow of His wings’~Pslams63”7
So how do we exempt ourselves from the wretched fall that often follows a challenge – well it can go two ways, like a marriage a big challenge can either bring the couple closer together or tear them apart. Make the decision today to draw closer to God in the midst of dark times.

There are three steps we see from Luke 6”49
1 –Come
2- Listen
3- Obey                                                                                                                                               

Come – make the decision today to go towards Jesus and away from sorrow and bitterness from the pain of the past. All you need to do is ask in the quietness of your heart for you to be drawn To Him ~ And He will draw near to you. James
Listen – When the Holy Spirit comes inside of you, Listen to His voice, and guidance. Let Him do His job please (I beg of you) Hi is the comforter, and He will give you such peace about the pains you have experienced. You will be overwhelmed with His peace and joy.
Obey – Now I know some of you may cringe at this word. And honestly, and quite frankly. That is completely sad. Only a teenager intentionally doesn’t listen and obey those around him/her with more wisdom. And everyone has regrets from their teenage-hood (no matter how big or small). - Make the wise decision today and take advice from the creator of the world (And beyond) – trust me, He knows what He’s talking about :)

In all finalities. Being Confirmed and whatnot, (and some other religious obligations… exempting Baptism!!) – are so absurdly religious and not even mentioned in the Bible!! They come from the old church (mainly in from Europe) and are all in linkage with the controlling government need of like  the 15th century. – Honestly, who needs it?
No offense, but if it’s not in the Bible, I am absolutely not going to be part of it :))

Religion, is not giving people freewill, it’s telling them what to do.
 Don’t be part of it. Build your house on Jesus, and not religion.

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