Saturday, 3 January 2015

'Commiting EVERYTHING' ~ Where does it stop ?

Psalm 37:5New Living Translation (NLT)

Commit everything you do to TheLORD.
    Trust him, and He will help you.

Its's the 3rd of January today, a crisp winter morning in the Western Isles. And I'm recovering from a busy time of boxing-day sales and movie watching with My mum. 
I had been looking forward to watch this movie for about a year now.  Online blogs had given me information about it before it started production and I heard about it in a few others places later down the line. Needless to say I was more than thrilled to watch the trailer for the first time (multiple times after that). And even more thrilled to see the movie yesterday .

I'm not going to say what exactly the movie was, but its a recent re-make of a classic American tales from the 1900's and after watching it at the age of 9, during my own first visit to America it also became a personal classic for me. The songs are engraved in my mind as a taste of my childhood years, and I sing them to this day . 
While watching the movie, it was interesting to see the remix of practically all of the songs, of which I had nothing against, and the controversial change in character appearance wasn't anything that particularly bothered me at all. But throughout the movie, I just sensed a continuous seeping in of 'subtle darkness' - that's the only words I can used to describe what I felt. I knew it was definitely not as light-hearted and 'innocent' as the originals...

But something wasn't right about it,

I couldn't put my finger on it. 
This feeling was confirmed through moments in the movie of actual horror-scene-type images. And the cameo of some other well known faces was most deeply unsettling indeed. 
I put it aside and continued watching. - I didn't realise at the time, that my mum beside me was feeling the exact same way until we both said after coming out of the movie: "That was dark."

It wasn't until I got home, and looking over the credits, the names of the executive producers came up, and again I'm not going to mention who they are because I do not intend to glorify the enemy in anyway on this, but they were prominent hollywood names mainly in the music industry involved in a whole heap of the enemies work (that seem to be seeping into movies). That input confirmed my suspicions completely . I nearly felt ill. I could not believe I had just given my money to these people. 

Then suddenly, the the pieces started coming together. 

About a year to two ago, another movie came out. A remake from a famous book from the 1920's or there-abouts, A book that I've read, and loved . Alot of parties have it as a theme, and quite frankly, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. (the book at least)
A movie came out, a group of us were reading it at the time, and there was a huge hype to go and see the movie. I watched the trailer .
And The Spirit told me no : NoNoNo. Not in an obvious way like that. But something was very wrong about it. And I just knew the movie wasn't for me . There were scenes in the movie that were actually extremely similar to the one I just watched yesterday. I remember a scene in the trailer of pure decadence.

I decided not to go see it.- and even more so when I found out who some of the producers were. 
 Well ... (bobsyouruncle)

You'll never guess, that the same people who produced that movie are the same people who produced this one. And there, I saw it . How this subtle darkness is seeping in a taking over everything the media is . 
Not that the media was anything great before, but now more than ever, it is beginning to enter into a level of darkness that we Christians need to be aware of . 

And pray against.

I felt cheated, duped into following this occult-ic scheme to slowly trap the minds of individuals . 
I was so distraught. So sorry to God for getting caught up in the hype of a movie that I didn't even properly look into.
I selfishly and full of pride ignored the warnings God put in my heart, and went with the crowd thinking my way was better. 

I was bamboozled, abit emotionless and in my evening studies of The Bible couldn't think of what to read. God put in my heart PSALMS 37 - A few verses in, my mind was caught on verse 5 : 

'Commit EVERYTHING you do to the LORD. Trust him, and he will help you.'

Then I thought of the question : 'Where does it stop ?' -- what detail is too detailed for God ?
- further down I saw : verse23 : 
'The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.'

-- Hear that ?

-that includes the movies we watch.

Slightly AWED at the profound AMAZING-NESS of God to show me this , 
I started writing about it ...

I should have picked up the hints God gave me. Just because it was a movie I was waiting and wanting to see , I failed to see God and his warning signals. A movie recreated in a subtle spirit of darkness and I regret it. To the flesh, and in the flesh it was a good movie. With blinded eyes I would have 'enjoyed' it. 


'my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge' - Hosea 4"6

And for me ...
 'Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required'

This is a warning, Please take heed . (Not just for this movie, but in all things, please)

Psalm 37:5New Living Translation (NLT)

Commit everything you do to the Lord.

    Trust him, and He will help you.

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