'When I was a child, I spoke, thought and reasoned as a child does. But when I grew up , I put away childish things. 1COR13'11
So it's just over a week ago , I celebrated my 21st birthday. It was special time where I was able to ponder and think. - Bearing in mind I was in the middle of exam season, and so it wasn't a complete day off. But I'm grateful for birthdays like this when I am able to reflect on my life, as present and what I want it to be.
It was a gorgeous day, so after the gym and opening a new read I purchased for myself [click here to see the book.] I spent some time studying then met with two friends for an evening-Costa date. It was lovely, and bright - the sun was warm, not penetrating and so we sat outside with our treats.
Then one of my friends turned to me and said : ' So ... what are your new years resolutions ?'
'Woah, lets start it off at the deep-end shall we ?!' we all laughed at the directness of this question.
'I've been thinking about this and talking to the mummy, and I'd really like to become more mature.'
'But what is maturity ? - what does maturity mean to you ?' - I won't type out the entire conversation but I will say at least 17 minutes of the entire 3 hours we spent talking about God and life was coming up with a personalised definition of maturity.
One of my friends suggested : ' I think its when a child realises that they are a child, understanding their emotional, physical limitations.'
- I thought this was a really interesting thought.
Thinking back to the verse : 'When I was a child, I spoke, thought and reasoned as a child does... 1COR13'11 - Here, Apostle Paul the writer highlights that maturity is understanding the phases of life. Understanding that childhood, and the childhood mentality is a passing season and being aware of the seasons passing with time.
- Can you identify with this ?
When you're a child; life just never seems to end. Christmas comes round once every millennium and childhood is all you know. You never really , truly step back and understand that this is a passing phase, you may appreciate it , relish it and take it all in . But the future is just that - the future; and it seems so far away. Perhaps time becomes more real to you the older you get , I heard someone once say , that when you get to 90 years old , breakfast comes round every 6 minutes.
Okay, so we understand that time is a huge aspect of maturity , but the extent of this I believe varies for person to person, from ideology to ideology.
Have you ever met a person who didn't act their age. I know of a dear little boy, who will be turning 6 later this week , who has a protective demeanor of early-integrity. A slight discernment and awareness that takes my family by surprise alot of the time. I also know of men into their 40's who just seem to be 'out-of-it' - if you know what I mean , No initiative, or intuition - and as my mum says common-sense really is not common.
What is the difference ? Why do some men - and women in some cases have the Peter-Pan syndrome ? And how can we cure this millennial generation of this awful disease ?!
As much as I love the freedom and vibrancy of childhood. There's a physical transition occurring in my generation that we cannot deny.
We're growing up .
Forget the concept of adolescence: that corrupted 'phase' only sprung up in the past 50 years, and consists of teenagers who want the liberation of adulthood without the responsibility. [Here's a message by Paul Washer on this]
Now I don't deny that there are different forms of maturity :
1. Spiritual Maturity
2.Emotional Maturity
3. Physical Maturity
-- Each of these can correlate to the 3 parts of our being : Spirit, soul , and body respectively. Physical maturity as we know happens at a set physiological time, all within a certain age range,
Spiritual Maturity occurs after Spiritual Birth. - ' Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God."John 3'3 And it can take 1 year, or 30 years (etc.) depending on the individuals diligence in seeking the Father: '... And if you search for Him with all your heart and soul, you will find Him.' Deuteronomy 4'29 , an openness to His Spirit ,and ultimately , the Grace of God.
Here I'm specifically talking about Emotional Maturity. Growing up as a person, putting away childish things - childish behaviour, childish emotions, childish habits, even childish thoughts - Coming to a reality of : the place of time in your life, or the significance of time in ones life. - This is my evidence-based view. I believe this type of maturity is a choice. - Why ? Because physical maturity is external and 'happens' to everyone, there is no choice . But when it comes to the inward parts of a human, Spirit and Soul , there is a greater deal of control - and here is where the role of freewill plays a big part.
Many people revel in the thought of having a time-freeze machine. Stopping time.
- This is anti-God , and anti-Christ. The fact is, we small , miniscule humans will never have the power within ourselves to manipulate a key factor in this universe like time or space. The world keeps moving and you just have to keep up. In the same way the natural laws of time and space continue to rule the world, Lets adjust our own calenders of life and ask God for a Spirit , His Spirit of Maturity to enter into our lives.
How else might someone define maturity ? - Wisdom , understanding ?
'The fear of the LORD is the foundation for all wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment /understanding' PROV 9'10
I've recently made the decision that with Gods help , He can enable me to step out of one phase and into the other. I don't know exactly what maturity may look like for me on a daily basis, but I have some initial thoughts and I know that when we ask God for a wisdom-filled existence of maturity. He will graciously provide.
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