So this weekend for us Brits was a very full-on experience
of ‘British-ness’. There was a huge royal wedding and the whole nation
(including myself) were totally infactuated with the entire season. It’s a
real-life fairy-tale. Girl meets a prince and becomes a princess. I, also being
a girl of colour definitely appreciated the cultural aspect of the entire
enchilada. It’s a new day and a new season for the monarchy, we have another
royal to welcome- and speaking from the general opinion here; The people of the
UK think she is amazing.
I , and in a more restrained way now, loved the entire
ordeal, as a firm lover of the history and culture that the royal family brings
. I had been waiting for this weekend to come and by jove was not disappointed
in any way. Retrospectively I have a different take, but I think the buzz of the
weekend got to my head juuust a little bit.
All of my friends were incredibly excited and we all shared
in the joy post-wedding talking about our favourite bits, speaking about all
that happened. But one of my friends said the most wisdom-filled thing I had never
expecte. We had been speaking about the wedding so I called her a day or two
afterwards to get her over arching remarks.
“So … doll, what did you think ?!”
“Well… I didn’t watch it.”
“Well… I didn’t watch it.”
“I’m sorry, what
I asked her why and in essence, she felt that there was the
potential to get to emotionally involved in something that was too much of a
fairy-tale to be a healthy intake. I was honestly flabbergasted … not at her
absence of the most watched broadcast that weekend; but of her incredible
character to do such a thing.
Here’s the deal , as lovely, quintessential, glamourous and
elegant that wedding was; to God, it meant nothing more than another couple
unifying in a church (that I am presuming) He was not invited to. Now I could
be inaccurate – no one knows the heart of all the people there , there might
have been some true earnest God fearing indivudals in the wedding party; I just
don’t know.
What I do know however, is for this time period , as the
Americans across the pond would say : ‘I drank the coolade’.
Romans 12:2 New Living Translation (NLT)
2 Don’t copy the behaviour and customs of this world,
but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then
you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and
And the world are on two VERY different levels. Its almost like
comparing the intelligence of a leaf to a human brain, or the strength of a
stick to a rhino and ever more so.
When we uphold what God upholds and look down on what He
looks down on – we’ll find that we live in a topsy-turvy world where truly :
The first are last and the last are first. (MATT 20’16)
Where the wealthiest people in the world are families who
uphold the gospel in their communities no matter what the cost.
Where being born in a privileged family means being exposed to
Christ at an early age.
Where beauty is a woman wo seeks God and values discretion
and modesty.
Where joy is a state of having a clear conscience and being
right with God.
Where freedom is walking as an upright slave to Jesus.
Where love, means sacrificially giving, serving and asking
for nothing in return.
Imagine this; the colour yellow is yellow right ? But imagine
over a period of time a man kept telling you that yellow was actually blue .
Would you eventually end up believing him ?
We live in a world
that the enemy has quite skilfully subverted the true definitions of important
things in life and turned them into lies lies lies.
This weekend, the Courts of Heaven rejoiced and upheld in honour
a unrecognised poor couple in a village somewhere who gave their marriage to
God so, so much more than the pomp and glamour we saw in Windsor.
We must pray for Kings and those in authority. (1 Timothy 2:2) They set the
tones of the culture and the culture sets the direction and course of the
But lets not be deceived, lets not believe the lies.
Let us trust in Christ and His definitions -they are the
only ones that are true.
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