Okay so there's this girl, and she is planning a surprise
birthday for her best friend, she decides it might mean more if more people
help out. So she's thinking about who to talk to… Shall she talk to a girl who
speaks to her best friend every now and again , or should she speak to a girl
that's practically another best friend of the birthday girl , who knows better
? --- listen, it’s a no-brainer . When you get close to God and He is the
centre of your world (because your His;) things get a lot easier, you
understand His will a lot better , you are able to hear His directions with
ease . Why is this ?
Think about talking
to your mum in the car, can you hear her better when the radio is blasting ?!
Of course not !!!
Get rid of distractions and you will be able to hear the
voice of God .
He is always speaking to you , but sometimes :/ you don't
hear Him !!
I love this verse : 'delight yourself in The Lord and He
will give you the desire of your heart' -- okay so , you are going to go to
Paris for spring break , that guy is totally going to speak to you today , and
the dream car is coming your way !!!
- No, just no .
When you get close to God , and I mean really close ... His
heart beats with yours and suddenly, you realise that things that seemed so
important fly out of the window . His desires for your life become your desires.
And voila !
Those desires will become realities because God knows your
needs more than you do !
So ... What does getting close to God mean ??
- 'now each to his own'
but I've definitely found what has worked for me . - dedicating time in the
morning to read His word - praying - absolutely no secular music (just sayin')
- little secular television (don't think it can't be done:) - noting thought
patterns - noting social interactions --- just to mention the basics . Now I’m
not saying you go and throw away your
television . But I'm very visual , a couple of episodes of the real housewives
and my mind can't get off it !! I detest being a slave to anything . So test
yourself . Can you go a week without your favourite show ? If you can't then
I'm afraid you have the mini-god complex . Things you can't live without . I
had to make up my mind to stop watching certain shows completely, because
sometimes I would be in church , and suddenly a scene from the last episode
pops up in my head - it was just getting too much . But I found that when I
drew away from the distractions my mind had more time and space for the things
of God more than ever before .
Keep your mind on God = better relationship with God =
Knowing the will of God .
Keep calm and Trust
Ever hear of the phrase : ‘let go and let God’ ?
Now Sometimes we say things -- phrases like that , but we
forget what it actually means ...
God is in charge of our lives and once you give your desires
to Him and let Him drive - all you need to do is enjoy the ride !!
Now that's easier said than done . This past year for me has
been a whirlwind of emotions. Ups and downs.
I made mistakes that
I thought could ruin Gods plan for my life . But you see - nothing takes Him by
surprise. You've got to remember according to the Bible , the VERY FIRST thing
that God did was : take something miss-formed and turn it into something
beautiful (credit #touchedbyanangel ) ~ Genesis 1"2-3 ' The earth was
empty ... Then GOD said : "Let there be light ,"
God put talents, likes and skills in you to equip you for
your future. Everything that you've been through will be a testimony to someone
someday IF you stay in the hands of God. He'll never let you fall :)
Trust Him .
God knows what will make you the happiest long-term.
He understands your frustrations and hurts . Don't get
dazzled by what you think is best .
You don't see what's
coming round the corner , but God does and if you wrap yourself in Him , you
can rest assured that the storms won't break you and your future will 'shine
brighter and brighter (even) until the perfect day ' ~PROV4"18
Hope you've enjoyed this series , I felt like someone needed
to hear it .
Message me for any preferences :)
God Bless !
(In my thoughts and prayers always :) Xx