Tuesday, 7 October 2014

I choose Jesus ...

Today was amazing
I had about an hour discussion with a girl about her eternal salvation.
It was epic.
When we were talking I remember feeling the presence of God right there, as we were talking, she started tearing up, and I don't even remember thinking about anything. 
I was just speaking and speaking.
I came back into my room dropped everything on the floor and just melted.
I couldn't believe it . 
I'm the sort of girl that watches 'The Way of The Master' in complete awe at how many lives are touched through that show. - including mine, all the time .

From talking to the girl today , I was reminded of an article I wrote on the student room a couple of months ago on one of the 'Does God Exist' threads.

I wrote a relatively long post on why I believe people should look to Jesus (from a sceptic's view) ...
As you can imagine, I got alot of hate-responses from my post, it was king of exciting -MATT 5"10 
'Blessed are those who are persecuted because they live for God, for the Kingdom Of Heaven is theirs' (yipee !)
And there was one muslim lad who I talked to the entire night, he had vast amounts of sceptical questions and what not. I'll put one of them below.

Anyway it was exciting to share my faith online like that, and it was from the following post that I realised my passion for God-writing.
Hope you are able to enjoy the post, 


Listen here guys .
I am 17 . I go to a school that is largely atheist. I studied philosophy and religion - where both teachers were atheist . The simple fact that the debate of God is still running high after more than 4000 years is because it is something that is a mystery to man in his own mind.
You know what ? Fine . Don't believe in God . Spend your whole life in the mindset of 'there is no God'
What if there is ? What if . Two words that may haunt you for the rest of eternity . Don't stop reading , this will make more sense ...
If you do believe in God , what the worst that could happen, you live your life of meaning in a constant state of hope, even for death . And if you die ,and there is nothing afterwards - then boo hoo . But if God does exist : you get to spend eternity with Him !
But if you don't believe God , you live a life only waiting to die - don't get me wrong , you can enjoy it  for the odd 70 years ( more or less)you might have. And if you die, and there's just nothing . Then 'fine'.
BUT what if . What if there was something after death - an eternity of painful regret .
"If only I had listened"
-- would you risk not wearing a seatbelt just because your only driving to the corner shop ?
--- then why risk the fact that you might - just might have to spend eternity in hell just because you didn't want to believe in a God that had been their all along .
If you read this thinking 'this person is insane... doesn't she know science - hasn't she seen all the theories ? ' - well actually I do, and I have. I know science well enough to know that it makes mistakes . Scientist used to think the earth was flat for crying out loud !! It was scientists that tried to disprove the BIBLE when it clearly says " He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth" (Isaiah40v22)
Scientist used to 'bleed people' to make them better when the BIBLE clearly says , that blood is one of the key components of the bodies ability to function (Leviticus 17v11)
Scientist thought the ocean floor was flat , when the BIBLE clearly states that it has valleys and mountains (2Samuel22v16)- ever heard of King David scuber diving ? - how could they have known these things.
Face it . scientists have made mistakes in the past , and they will in the future. In fact many scientists have stopped trying to disprove God because it's just too hard.Don't believe me ?
Ask a scientist . 
Let's see ... who was one  of the most intelligent scientists to walk the modern , intellectually superior scientific world . Einstein ? - that's who I was thinking of . Look what He said :
"Every one who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe-a spirit vastly superior to that of man, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble."
Have you ever had 'the annoying friend' that looks at what you brought for lunch (ie : your favourite snack) -- and says
"that must taste disgusting I would never eat that"
And you snap back at them and say:
"Dude have you even tried it !?" -- because surely you can only say something is complete rubbish if you've tried it with sincere intentions and hated it . Right ?
So I want to ask you right now .
Have you tried God ?
Forget what 'Christians' have said that may have hurt you . Forget how hypocritical they might be. Not giving God a chance because of Christians' bad example is like not going to the gym because there are 'out of shape people' there. Why Christianity ? And why JESUS ? Because no other 'god' has such a personal and understanding relationship with people who simply ask (hint hint). No other 'god' has the most multicultural group of people following Him  without any 'majority race' . No other 'god' has become human and experienced the same things of pain as we have . No other 'god' has had a best selling book for the past 2000 years ( people must be reading it for some reason right ?). No other 'god' has made a promise to be with you always, every single second of everyday. And no other 'god' has loved his followers somuch that he would die for them.
I know what you feel like , is it really worth it ?
The answer is yes . The 12 disciples did not lie when they wrote accounts of Jesus . Who would ever lie for a cause that would cost them their lives ?
You know, believing in God is a 'leap of faith' . Its like riding a bicycle, or walking for the first time . You could fall . But what if you don't, what if you keep trying ? Who ever succeeded at something  without taking a risk ?
I am a Christian and sincerely proud to say it .
I am a teenager , and I have found hope in every situation . Courage in every challenge . And a best friend who has never let me down. My best friend is Jesus - I know it sounds kinda cheesy , but no matter what anyone thinks or says this truth will remain with me forever . Until the grave .
And no one knows when they will die . You could go any day . Anytime . You are human after all.
So don't wait . All you need to say ( and it won't hurt) is :
"God . Jesus . If You exist, please help me to know it . There are so many things that go against You even being real. But if you are there , help me to understand.
You don't have to listen to me .
You don't have to remember anything I just wrote .
But please keep in mind these two words ...
What if .


[QUOTE=sjaan]The same thing can be said to you.
Why don't you buy a Quran and read it for yourself and see what Islam says?[/QUOTE]
I am so delighted that you took your time to read my 'long post' -- it was long wasn't it :) if I could say all that I said in 1 sentence , I would .
But let me give you an example :
If I had spent 4 hours constantly looking outside in the cold for an iPod that I had accidentally dropped. And then I suddenly find it (and am incredibly happy !!)
- why would I carry on staying outside in the cold when I have already found what I was looking for ?
In the same way . I have found Jesus . He is not my prophet . But my God and saviour and most of all, my personal friend. I would not trade Him for my life.
However I also believe in freewill - and so does God  - but freewill is only evident when options are considered and a choice is made. I have considered my options, and I have made my choice.

I choose JESUS.

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