Hey guys !
--- Here's a series God laid on my heart. It was a series on 'How to find God's will'. And it was aimed at my follower-friends (who are mostly girls) - So sorry if Its slightly subsided ...
enjoy and I hope The Holy Spirit will minister to you while
you read :)
Hi everyone !
We all know that God has had a plan for us from the very
beginning ~ from before we even entered the world !
Jeremiah 1"5:
" I knew you before I formed you in your mothers womb.
Before you we're born I set you apart and appointed you as my spokesman ( or
woman ;) to the world ."
But how do we find out what it is ?
I don't know about you, but I have grown up dreaming of what
my life could be like (in the future) . And outing all those dreams into the
hands of God can initially seem like a scary ordeal !
But I was a while ago, I decided – ‘hey I’ve only got one
life to live, and when I get to heaven, I want to know that I did everything
God wanted - because THAT is where our reward lies .
Think about Jesus - He didn't want to suffer the pain of
death !!
The garden of Gethsemane were some of the darkest moments of
His entire existence.
Luke 22"44 says , " ... He was in such
agony of Spirit that His sweat fell to the ground like great drops of blood ."
Jesus even asked God to take away the cross if it was
: "Father if You are willing please take this cup
of suffering away from me ."
It was hard , it was more than hard but Jesus (being the
amazing God that He is ;) gave Himself to God the Father’s plan because He knew
that Gods will was best . It's like a parent ... I remember being seven and
crying at the table because I didn't want to eat broccoli . I didn't know how
much it would benefit me in the long run ... And the truth is : God's will is
what will make you happy , your dream job , Prince Charming, perfect hair and
makeup will NOT make you feel the way Jesus' accomplished plan will . So what
do you do?
Just say " God I lay down my plan for what I think is
best for me and I choose to accept Your will because
You are my loving Father and I want my life to be a
demonstration of Your goodness . I want to serve others and serve them with my
whole heart , just like You did . Please give me the humility to accept that I
do not know what's best . But You do. Amen"
Lets look at Romans 12"2 ~ which says : "
Don't copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let Him transform you
by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to do and
you will know how good and pleasing and perfect His will really is" (NLT;)
Okay , let's stop here and rewind , so to find out what God
wants you to do:
- don't copy the world’s behaviours
-LET HIM transform you (via changing the way you think)
= all meaning two steps - make the conscious effort not to
copy the ways of the world. ie: girls , the way we dress , present ourselves to
others, what we watch , what we spend our time doing , the places we go and the
friends we have should really be foreign to those who do not have Jesus as
their no.1.
We need to separate ourselves from the world . You can't go
to every party , you can't stay out as late as your friends , you can't get
drunk and expect to be okay spiritually. Because (and I'll put it bluntly) you
won't .
Look at all the amazing people in the Bible , everyone who
had great futures were not 'with the crowd'. They stood out . Always sometimes
not for a good reason , but they did . Joseph was more intelligent than
his brothers , and had his 'quiet time' in pits , prisons and eventually
Samson couldn't cut his hair . David was out on the fields
all the time. Esther was a virgin. John the Baptist - well he was very
different . And Jesus always had His time on the mount of olives and His alone
time . It's like going to school . You need time to prepare before setting out
into your destiny.
Ask God to help make you 'set apart' . It can be kinda
weird especially when you are abit of a people person , but it's worth it
. God can do a quick work ~
Romans9"28“For the LORD will carry out his sentence
upon the earth quickly and with finality."
And secondly, ask God
to transform the way you think . Your own pride and ambitions , are
insignificant in the big scheme of things. But , let God lead you ;
and voila !
Yield to every small thought change that comes up . eg: your
doing your hair extra special because a really nice guy is in your class today
. And suddenly you think : 'really ? Are you trying to attract him?'
- that's not you , it's God transforming the way you think . Yield
and obey and honour God by obeying the little things, because when you do , He
will give you big destinies to fulfil . ~ Luke 16"10 " Unless you are
faithful in small matters you won't be faithful in large ones . If you cheat
even a little, you won't be honest with greater responsibilities"
- so be faithful girls, and don't cheat God and yourself
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