" Here is the main point: We have a High Priest who sat down
in the place of honour beside the throne of the majestic God in heaven. 2 There He ministers in the heavenly Tabernacle, the true place of worship that
was built by the Lord and not by human hands.
‘There He ministers in the Sacred Tent, the true place of
worship that was built by The LORD and not by human hands’
This isolated part of Hebrews 8”2 says so much about our
walk with Christ. It implies that there is a fake place of worship that exists.
In essence: if there are true places of worship, then there are fake places of
worship; and here we have it; The True place of worship is found only in the
Sacred Tent of The Most High GOD. Where Jesus is. – When we worship in fake-ness,
we are not ministering in the Sacred Temple, we’re not actually ministering at all!
We are simply leading on our soul and physical emotions into a state of serene
fake-ness. Believing that we are worshiping God when we are not.
Okay I just said a lot there, so let’s break down those statements
in order to make it more clear.
Okay, to the word ‘Ministering’ in the original Greek that
Hebrews was written in (don’t get confused) is διακονέω or diakoneó: to serve,
In looking at this verse through this light we see that
Jesus, even after His Glorification is still serving, this just throws
Hebrews13”8 at me which says: Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and
forever’. The qualities of compassion that He showed here on earth can never
change because He holds His word above His name (~Psalm 138”2). Meaning that
His character hasn’t changed as a result of Him being glorified and anointed
above all things (~Hebrews1”8, 9). The compassionate and loving Jesus who asked
a Samaritan woman for water JOHN4”7 is the same Jesus who sits at the right
hand of God this moment as we speak (or read/type… etc.)HEBREWS1”13. And if we
are to be like Jesus (which is the whole point of living) we are also called to
minister unto God. 1SAMUEL12”24 says:
But be sure to fear the LORD and serve him faithfully with
all your heart; consider what great things He has done for you.
And this verse was taken from the Old Testament t, before
the CROSS. – hello!? How much more now are we to serve God and keep His law of
love in our hearts?
So … you ask, how we minister to Him.
By entering into His Sacred Tent. The Sacred Tent concept
originates from the Laws of Moses, and how they would build a Temples of God
wherever they went to symbolise His presence there with them.
This is all explained in Hebrews 8, but in essence: there
was an Outer Court, and Inner Court and the Holy of Holies- the place where God
resided. That was the place that only one high priest could enter into once a
year to offer God sacrifices on behalf of the people.
Obviously, this is no longer how things operate – thank God
for His inclusiveness and mercy so that anyone, anywhere can enter unto this
Sacred place in a heart of sincere faith and belief in Him as God and personal
Saviour .
What does this mean in terms of worship ( and this is what it all comes down to) :
JOHN4”23,24: "But
an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father
in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. 24"God is spirit, and those
who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."
(This verse was actually taken from when He was talking to
thee Samaritan Woman!)
God wants people whose heart is to please Him.
Now I don’t get this right, sometimes I’, say: at church in
praise and worship, and I know myself that I only worship Him in Spirit and in
Truth for about 2mins out of the whole 30. Because you just know when you reach
that place: the world falls away, and your mind is completely connected to God –
you’re thinking of nothing and no one else!
But it doesn’t have to be in Church, and that leads on to
the next part of the verse:
‘…that was built by The LORD and not by human hands’
This place can be accessed anywhere, it is not a
geographical location, more like a Spiritual destination, a true place of
perfect peace, where your mind is stayed on Him.
It doesn’t have to be loud, most of the time (for me, at
least) I am completely silent. Eyes closed. And I just feel my inner self – My Spirit
radiating within me, and taking over myself – it’s hard to describe.
But I want to experience more of this.
Let our prayers be to focus on Him more than ever before, so
that we may be led, by His Spirit into the place of perfect peace, and into His
Sacred Tent
(In my thoughts and prayaers always)
(In my thoughts and prayaers always)